
India | Asia

There is a myth surrounding the beginnings of coffee cultivation in India: the pilgrim Baba Budan came to India from Mecca via Yemen, smuggling seven coffee seeds across the border with him. Since seven is considered a sacred number, this act was of great religious significance. Baba Budan began planting the coffee seeds in the Giri Mountains - with great success. Even today, coffees from the area are considered the best in all of India.

Through the India Coffee Board, founded in 1907, the quality and presence of Indian coffee was to be improved through various research and educational activities. The coffee sector was strictly regulated by the Board, especially in the period between 1942 and 1995. It was only after liberalization in 1995 that producers were given more freedom.

"Monsooning" Method"

India is known for the famous "Monsooning" method", which is a unique process in India with a long history that resulted in a distinctive and above all strong cup (in taste - the caffeine content is the same in each case). Under British colonial rule, green coffee was shipped from India to Europe - which takes several months. The humidity of the sea caused the beans to swell and age. After transportation improved over time, European coffee drinkers noticed that the coffee had lost its character and distinctive, strong flavor.

While Arabica varieties were widely used in the beginning, India has switched more and more to Robusta due to massive leaf rust. In addition, the climatic conditions as well as the lower altitudes are ideally suited for these plants.

Coffees from India tend to be heavy, creamy and low in acidity, and rarely particularly complex. Nutty and chocolaty notes dominate the flavor profile.