
Mexico | North America

Mexico is currently one of the ten largest coffee producers in the world. But it wasn't always this way, because it wasn't until the end of the Mexican Revolution in 1920 that coffee cultivation spread to the small farms. Since then, the industry has experienced steady growth. Especially in the last 20 years, there has been a strong upswing in terms of notoriety and market prices thanks to the expansion of the local coffee culture, further education and increased exports.

The majority of Mexican coffee, about 70%, grows at an altitude of 400 to 900 meters, which is not particularly high for coffee cultivation. The emphasis with 90% clearly on Arabica beans. However, with an annual production of 4 million bags, Mexican fincas have only recently begun to specialize in specialty coffee.

Mexico produces a wide range of coffee varieties in its regions. Flavor profiles range from light and delicate to sweet with caramel, toffee or chocolate notes.